Thursday, July 26, 2007

What's the Economy For, Anyway?

I'll be speaking here on October 6.
For immediate release: July 24, 2007
Contact: John de Graaf: (206) 443-6747
or Laura Pacheco: (617) 694-7998
See the full schedule and register early at:

WHEN: October 5-7, 2007
WHERE: Washington DC Convention Center (part of the annual Green Festival)
COST: $35 (entire conference, advance registration) or $50 (entire conference, no advance registration or $25 (per day). Conference fee includes free admission to Green Festival.

What’s the economy for, anyway? Is it just about having the biggest GDP or the highest Dow Jones Average? Or is it about providing for a healthy, happy, fair and sustainable society? If you think quality of life matters, and wonder how the United States compares to other countries when it comes to providing for its people, then the WHAT’S THE ECONOMY FOR, ANYWAY? Conference is for you! Dozens of prominent experts and activists will offers parts of the answer to the big question and offer out-of-the-box ideas about what we can do to make our economy serve us instead of vice-versa. Three tracks include FINDING HAPPINESS, SEEKING JUSTICE and SECURING SUSTAINABILITY.

[Out of the 100 speakers, some I really admire are Nancy Folbre, Bill McKibben, Juliet Schor, Gar Alperovitz, Jared Bernstein, and Celinda Lake. The organizer of the event, John de Graaf, is best known for his book Affluenza and for "National Take Back Your Time Day."]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Experts and Activists... right. Sounds like a really intelljunt diskushon.